Primal at Aldi: Chunky Marinara Pasta Sauce

As promised, I am back to show you the EASY and CHEAP primal spaghetti sauce that we eat around here.  We take the Chunky Marina Pasta Sauce shown above and mix it with 1 pound of browned grass-fed ground beef.  Serve the mixture over some shredded zucchini (that has been roasted in a pan with salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil), and you have my 3 year old's favorite meal, also known as zucchini spaghetti around here!

5 reasons I like this sauce:

  • as mentioned, it is relatively cheap ($1.79 per jar)
  • although making your own is not that difficult, this is still easier!
  • glass jar (not as much risk for BPA as a full aluminum can)
  • no added sugar
  • no soybean oil

I was hard pressed to find a sauce at Trader Joe's (or anywhere else other than Whole Foods) that didn't have either sugar or soybean oil added.  And they were more expensive anyways.  I think I'll stick with my Aldi sauce.  Fyi, I'm pretty sure (though not 100%) that all the other sauces at Aldi had either sugar or soybean oil on the ingredients list.

Some disclaimers:

  • This contains milk products which is why I am labeling it primal and not paleo.
  • I realize the potential exists for mystery ingredients in there with the vague ingredients such as "spices".

Anyways, I hope this helps someone trying to eat paleo on a budget, and I think I might highlight some more of my favorite wallet-friendly paleo and primal products in the weeks to come - so stay tuned if you are curious!

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