Menu Plan Until the End of the Month

Sometimes I am a moron.  Like I've been making all kinds of homemade Larabar type things lately (aka Fudge Babies) - where you blend up dried fruit/nuts/coconut/cocoa in a food processor and then roll them into balls or press them into bars.  Except I've been using my blender, thinking, "I wonder if this would be better with a food processor".  Then after a few weeks of this, I realize that my blender, which was new last Christmas, came with a separate food processor pitcher and blade and were sitting in the back of my cabinet all along, yet to ever be used.  Well, the food processor attachment is now being used.  Lots.

Oh, yeah.  AND I was going to get a roasted chicken from Costco this afternoon for dinner and completely left it off my list when I rewrote my list after brainstorming a bunch of stuff.  So of course I forgot to get it. I've been known to forget stuff even when it is ON my list and I am following it, so there is no hope if it doesn't even make it on the list! :)  So, I guess I will cook a chicken from the freezer (fortunately), and we'll have that tomorrow.

Since I didn't finish the menu plan for the week, I kinda had to today in order to make my shopping list before I went to the store this afternoon, so I just went ahead and did through the end of August.  If you don't count the $100 Costco membership that I had to renew this month or a mini-excursion of my husband's requiring lots of packaged food, then we are within budget.  If you do, then we aren't!

Love this Walnut Red Pepper Dip, kids included.  Had a non-paleo person ask me for the recipe, so you know that must mean it is good.

I'm getting some farm eggs this weekend, so we will have eggs (and fruit) for breakfast next week!  Lunches will be leftovers, deviled eggs, apples & almond butter, chicken Waldorf salad, carrots and dip, whatever can be found.  Here are the dinners.

Friday - Taco Salad
Saturday - Crock Pot Sticky Chicken, Broccoli
Sunday - Salmon Burgers and Peas
Monday - Grass-fed Apple-Beef Brats, Sweet Potato Oven Fries
Tuesday - Bible Study Dinner
Wednesday - Shrimp and Salad
Thursday - Hamburger Vegetable Soup, paleo style (great way to use up cabbage and chicken stock from my freezer)

I better get crackin' on supper tonight!

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