Weekly Menu

The banana bread was a hit last week, but making just 2 recipes used up my entire large $6 jar of almond butter from Costco, just fyi.  Here's the plan for this go 'round... looks to be another busy week here!

Eggs and Turkey Sausage, Bananas
Blueberry Cobbler with Raw Milk

Chicken Fingers (trying out this breading)
Carrots and Homemade Ranch (no mayo, up the sour cream and seasonings)

Monday - Meatloaf, Salad with Italian Dressing
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Nitrate-free Hot Dogs & Homemade Sweet Potato Oven Fries
Thursday - Chicken & Green Bean Stir Fry with Cashews
Friday - Paleo Fish Sticks, Peas
Saturday - Spaghetti Squash with Italian Sausage (maybe homemade?  will let you know) and Roasted Red Pepper Sauce
Sunday - Leftovers

Hope you have a good week!

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