Shopping Paleo at Aldi and Costco

OK, time for another grocery shopping experience summary!  This is just to show anyone interested (because I am nosey on other people like that) what we bought where.

At the end of the week after class, I ran into Whole Foods for shredded coconut and organic pears ($1/lb.) and Trader Joe's for banana chips and organic apples ($1.25/lb.)  So, that gave us fresh produce through this weekend.

Today, the kids and I hit Aldi and Costco.  We drove by the mall area on the way, and it was packed!  I can't believe that many people are Christmas shopping already.  I guess the economy must be picking up a bit here...  Anyways.  I had a pretty strict list today.  As I mentioned before, I am trying to not have any extravagances in the grocery budget this month.  Here's what we got.

Aldi: $41
cashews (not purely paleo)
dried onion
black pepper
diced tomatoes with green chilies
2 dozen eggs
3 lbs. sweet potatoes
2 lbs. carrots
5 avocados
2 lbs. grapes
3 lbs. apples
2.5 lbs. bananas
1 whole chicken
1 can frozen orange juice (for smoothies)
1 pkg. diapers
laundry detergent for hubs
pasta, cheeses, and sauce to make meal for another family

I was going to get some ground turkey, but they were totally out, so we will make-do without.

Costco: $60
2 lbs. Tillamook cheddar
3 lbs. apple-gouda chicken sausages
1 lb. organic salad greens
3 lbs. bananas
big bag of frozen strawberries
3 lbs. raw almonds
big bag of veggie straws

And then we totally had a junky lunch of pizza and frozen yogurt from the snack bar. :)

All the food is put away now, so no picture, just imagine in your mind.  The menu plan for the week will be posted tomorrow!

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