Menu Plan

I'm trying to make-do without our regular, locally-raised grass-fed beef until I can pick up some more at the end of the month... I missed another pick-up due to holiday travels in December.  So, last week we had some organic, 100% grassfed beef from Trader Joe's, and it was OK.  It is imported, and I can tell it is no where as near as fresh as the local stuff.  It doesn't really compare.  For this week I got some ground beef from Whole Foods since it is on sale right now, this weekend only.  It is the conventionally-raised stuff, but I've had it in the past, and it is still superior quality compared to the standard grocery store meat.

I was out and about without my children for once, so I also stopped at Costco, Aldi, and Price Chopper today and spent a total of $116.  I went by 2 Aldis because the produce selection at the first one was awful.  They were waiting on a delivery.  The beef (Whole Foods) and chicken (Price Chopper) that I got should last us past just this week.

Last week we devoured the macadamia nuts from Costco... they were so good!  Yes, they may have contained some soybean oil, but because of the price, I won't be buying them every week, so I figure as a "treat" they are not so bad.  We are plowing through the pistachios, too, so we'll try to slow down and eat less nuts this week :)

Here is our food plan for the coming week...

eggs & bananas
berry cobbler

kids' at school-
chopped grilled chicken & cheese
dill pickles (psst... the ones from Trader Joe's don't contain artificial colors)
strawberries or pineapple
ants on a log (celery with almond butter or cream cheese and raisins)
adults and non-school days-
chicken, olives, tomatoes (on kabobs or over greens with dressing for greek salad)
fudge babies

meatloaf & peas x2 (of course I forgot to get the ingredient tomato paste, so I will have to be creative...)
chicken no-tortilla soup with avocados
salmon burgers and homemade baked sweet potatoes fries
cashew chicken and green bean stir fry x2

Have a good week! :)

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