Fall Treat: Gluten Free Cake Mix Pumpkin Spice Donuts

Lots of ideas swirling around in my head... hope you are having a good holiday weekend.  I've been trying to get caught up on some projects that were kind of on my summer list but never did... organizing photos and kids' artwork.  I'm halfway there.

We made gluten free pumpkin spice donettes (mini-donuts) yesterday.  I know this is like treason or something for paleo purists.  And I would never recommend doing this if you are on your first 30 days.  But, seriously, donuts are one of my favorite non-paleo foods.  And if I know I can have these once in awhile, it helps keep me from making myself sick on the office donuts.  I'm pulling the "It's my blog and I'll post what I want to" card.

I followed this gluten free pumpkin bread recipe and baked them for 10 minutes in my new silicone pan (yeah, I wanted a donut pan for my birthday).  After baking, we brushed them with melted butter and rolled in cinnamon sugar :)  A good rainy day treat that didn't make my stomach hurt even though I ate way too many... not sure if that is a good or bad thing... probably both!  I think I will have to limit myself to only making these just a few times a year.  But you can bet I will be making them again sometime this fall! :)

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