Weekly Menu

I just have to give a shout out to two recipes from last week that we all loved.

Balsamic Roast Beef = awesome.   I was worried about this, because whenever I do a roast in the crock pot, it always gets overdone and tough.  This was everything the source claimed it would be.  I look forward to making it again.  We used a rump roast.  I didn't use any Worcestershire because I've been out for quite awhile, and when I read the ingredients one time I wasn't enthused to buy it again.  I did use honey and soy sauce.  The authentically brewed soy sauce doesn't seem to bother anyone in my family.

Shrimp = love.  I was feeling to lazy for this recipe -zesting a lemon and all that strenuous stuff :), so I opened my trusty red plaid BHG cookbook thinking there surely must be a quick shrimp sauté recipe.  And there was!  Husband loved this.  Sooo easy: butter, garlic, shrimp, and a bit of sherry and parsley thrown in at the end.  It is actually quite similar to the one I had linked to and intended to use, minus the lemon stuff.  So maybe I will try the original one next time, provided I have a lemon!  I had a gift card to an upperscale grocery store that was about to expire... so I quickly hit up the sales on organic apples ($1/pound), organic salad greens (BOGO, but still not as good of a deal as at Costco), and US shrimp ($8/pound).  I wish I could afford good shrimp more often!

Anyways... onward.  This week is here.  I did my shopping at Aldi and Trader Joe's.  Keeping the total around $115 this week - yay!  Next weekend I will go to Costco and Whole Foods

The plan for this week...

scrambled eggs with spinach and/or goat cheese
coffee, raw milk

primal tuna salad, celery, tomato soup x2
cranberry muffins* and cottage cheese
primal chicken salad lettuce wraps x2
meatballs, fruit x2
dinner leftovers

Monday - sausage & sweet potato hash
Tuesday - paleo chicken parmesan (no cheese), roasted green beans
Wednesday - corn tortilla pizzadillas, marinara for dipping (not hard core paleo, but thought they looked fun for a change, hopefully we won't get bellyaches from the corn)
Thursday - some kind of buffalo chicken dip with celery (yes, for dinner)
Friday - leftovers
Saturday - meatloaf, peas
Sunday - leftovers

Cheese?  Yes.  A minor concession considering we've been doing really well with all the parties this month.  The party yesterday was cancelled due to illness, but had we gone, this is what I was planning on taking, in case you are curious.  A crockpot full of balsamic-glazed drumsticks... and some chocolate chip cheesecake brownies made with Trader Joe's gluten free basic brownie mix (since I like to bake and my kids said, "Mom, please take a dessert so we can have some!")  We ended up making the drumsticks for supper and I am saving the brownie mix for another time.

*The last time I made these muffins, I replaced all of the pumpkin and maple syrup with some homemade super tart applesauce from my freezer... I think I actually used close to 2 cups.  They turned out great, so I will probably try it again.

That's all for now!  Have a good Sunday!

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