Weekly Menu

Spring break is here, woohoo!

I have some goals, some ambitious, some not.  My house has been seriously neglected over the past month and half and is dire need of some spring cleaning to freshen it up.  But, I also want to regroup and recover... as in SLEEP.  I am running a deficit and this is the time to catch up.  That would also help with getting back on the workout routine (which I am looking forward to).  So, I guess you could call it a win-win, right?  I can be productive or unproductive and still be accomplishing one of my goals, huh? :)  (... as long as I don’t piddle around doing nothing worthwhile and staying up late... which I have been known to do.)

waffles (from Eat Like a Dinosaur), berries, whipped coconut cream - spring break special :)
eggs, avocados, salsa
happy coffee drink

Lunches: some random stuff, no packing this week for the kids or me.
Monday - salami, cheese, carrots
Tuesdsay - asian chicken soup, paleo pretzels
Wednesday - skillet scramble
Thursday - chinese chicken salad
Friday - sticky chicken in the crock pot (didn’t get to it last week), roasted broccoli
Saturday - leftovers

Monday - sundried tomato meatballs (didn't get to it last week) with roasted carrots
Tuesday - balsamic mustard chicken, roasted green beans
Wednesday - ground turkey skillet supper (recipe coming soon...)
Thursday - leftovers
Friday - beef taco salad
Saturday - leftovers

frozen grapes
frozen banana slices dipped in primal fudge

Hopefully I will pop back in again here some more this week!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! :)
(sharing here and here)

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