Sunday, Monday Madness

Sunday night: Phew!  We are back from the weekend.  I need to shop.  There is "nothing" in the fridge.  I have no menu plan.  Back to the grindstone!  Any meal suggestions?


It's Monday now.  I went to Aldi today.  Here are the meals for the first part of the week, at least.

Homemade Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Hash
Pumpkin Paleo Muffins
Coconut Milk Smoothies
Peach Clafouti (from the Primal Blueprint Cookbook)


Monday - Pizza Chili
Tuesday - Cashew Chicken (didn't do last week)
Wednesday - Chinese Chicken Salad - paleo version
Thursday - Beef and Cabbage Stir Fry
Weekend - TBD

Great Balls of Dates
Walnut Red Pepper Dip & Carrots
Sunny Deviled Eggs (didn't do last week)

These breakfasts all require some prep so I may be making them in the evenings.  Since I can't get any farm eggs right now (a lot of hens from our source couldn't take the heat this summer), we are taking a break from quick scrambled or fried eggs, because we just don't really like conventional eggs that much that way.  I guess my children are egg snobs now.  I hope to get some farm eggs from another source this weekend.

OK, so I know that store-bought OJ is not that natural, but it makes smoothies taste better, in my opinion, so I bought some today.  There are worse things for my kids, right?  I just throw a spoonful of the frozen stuff in the blender with the rest of the ingredients.  Today, my kids had a snack of orange julius smoothies: raw milk, frozen OJ concentrate, vanilla, crushed pineapple (I needed to use up), and ice.  I'd like to think that the fat in the whole milk slowed the absorption somewhat and helped keeping it from being a complete sugar rush.  Of course some coconut oil would have helped, too.

Coming soon: A photo of what I bought at Whole Foods last week.  I'll show you what I chose to buy there - because I can't get it anywhere else.  Because I'm a dork like that.

Have a great week, everyone!

P.S - This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.

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