Weekly Menu

Helloooooooo!  Happy Thanksgiving! (albeit late)  Anyone have any "gotta try" new recipes to share?  Around here, the turkey breast in the crock-pot was a success!  The cranberries were super tart.  My kids and I still loved them.  Hubs did not.  I also made my own version of some paleo stuffing/dressing using ground turkey.  Not on Thanksgiving, though - that would have been too much turkey.  It was good!  It was basically just a roasted mixture of meat, veggies, ground nuts, seasonings, and coconut oil.

I know "they" say not to do a strict 30 day paleo challenge during the holidays, but I am getting the itch to for some reason... we'll see.  On to the plan for the week.  I need to go grocery shopping, so I will tack on my lists at the end for those curious types.

eggs, sausage, sweet potato hash
berry cobbler
raw milk/coffee

salmon salad with veggie sticks
Tillamook cheddar
celery/carrot sticks and almond butter

hamburger vegetable soup (paleo-ified) x2
shawarma chicken and onions*, broccoli
bean-less chili with avocados and sour cream x2
chicken Italiano (crockpot version), roasted green beans

turkey jerky
crispy almonds

*We made this shawarma salad a few weekends ago after church, and while I've never been into middle-eastern cuisine, this is SO good.  It will smell up your whole house, but it is worth it.  It reminds me of my college years when my apartment was amongst of the international students', and I could always smell their cooking.

I missed my monthly beef pick-up due to Thankgiving holiday weekend travels... so what's the next best place to get grassfed beef in this area?  Let me know if you have any tips.

OK, here are my short lists of what I need to get at the start of this week.  Just enough to make it to the end of the month...

Costco: $30
almond butter
sour cream

Aldi: $22
frozen peas
frozen chicken
ground turkey
sweet potatoes
canned salmon

P.S.  Feel free to say hi in the comments, lurkers... I hear you are there :)

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